
Formed in the depths of lockdown, South Wales ONE (formerly known as ACJ Radio) is a community radio station for South Wales broadcasting online to the world. The station has an eclectic mix of presenters and shows broadcasting most evenings and an ad-free music stream running through the day playing the best in 80s, 90s, and 00s music.

You can hear Chris Lynch live on South Wales ONE most Thursday from 9 until 10 presenting The Soundclash Show with Lee Jones. Every week they choose a theme for the show and pick five songs each that fit the theme as closely as possible (they are not always successful!). Chris and Lee play their songs head to head and ask their listeners to vote on which songs they like the most!

Chris also appears whenever he can with the South Wales ONE team at live events in and around South Wales.

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Don't panic, just head over to South Wales ONE to satisfy your craving for Soundclash action...

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